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井上修志 オープニングイベント 



井上 修志(いのうえ・しゅうじ)   × 花田 伸一(はなだ・しんいち)


日時:2023.2.4(土) 14:00–15:30

会場:まるごとあらお(万田坑敷地内) 〒864-0001 熊本県荒尾市原万田169−22 ※荒尾市万田坑ステーション向かい建物 お車でお越しの際は万田坑駐車場をご利用下さい。

<申し込み方法> メール件名を 「井上修志トーク参加希望」 とし本文に以下を明記の上

までお送りください。 ① 参加者氏名 ② 参加人数 ③ 代表申込者電話番号

Inoue Shuji's 一周の螺旋は円にも見える will begin from February 4, 2023.

To commemorate his first Kyushu and Solo Exhibition we will hold an opening artist talk.

Capacity of 25 participants. Reservations are required.

Date: February 4, 2023 (Sat.) 14:00 - 15:30

Venue: Marugoto Arao (On Manda Coal Mine grounds)

Address: 〒864-0001 熊本県荒尾市原万田169−22

You can see it across the way from the Manda Station Building.

You can use the parking of the Manda Coal Mine.

To Apply:

Send an email with the title "Inoue Opening Talk"

with the following information:

1) Name of Person Applying

2) Number of Participants

3) Phone number at which we can reach you on the day of the event.

Send your email to kumamotomotomoto at

Event may be subject to changes due to the situation. Please stay tuned for updates here and on instagram.

AIR motomoto staff


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